13 år sedan
"When silence is not an option"Global Challenge show the film Zero Silence in Almedalen
Are the riots in the Arab world, in fact one and the same revolt? And what is the role of digital network? The documentary ” Zero Silence started as a project about social media in the Middle East, but is really about a generation that no longer sees silence as an option. During the Almedalsveckan in Visby, Global Challenge invites to a discussion on the film.
One revolution? Disruptive generation – the disruptive technology . That´s the title of the discussion that Global Challenge in collaboration with Project Zero Silence invites to, during the Almedalsveckan in Visby.
The discussion will be held on the international stage on Thursday 7 July at 11:30 to 12:00, preceded by a trailer for the film which will be completed later this year. After that, the film will be commented by feminist blogger Afrah Nasser from Yemen and chief editor of Medievarlden Axel Andén.
On Zero Silence own site you can follow the progress of work and a trailer for the film is shown now for the weekend of 11 June at documentary festival, Sheffield Doc / Fest.
The film project began with the aim to portray the role of the new digital technology in the wave of democracy in North Africa and the Middle East, but have increasingly come to be a film about the courage of a generation of young people who no longer see the silence as an alternative.