12 år sedan
”After the Crisis? Migration, Austerity and New Challenges to Sustainability in the Baltic Sea States”
The financial crisis has confronted the Baltic region with new challenges. The Baltic States have experienced negative economic growth rates, reductions in real wages and high unemployment rates. The countries in the Baltic Sea region are also facing a large common demographic challenge as a result of declining birth rates , ageing populations and increasing emigration. What development can we expect in the future? And is labour migration part of the problem or the solution for the region’s future competitiveness?
Charles Woolfson, professor of labour studies at REMESO, Linköping University, opened the first expert seminarr in the project “Migration as a Part of a Policy for Increased Competitiveness”.
Professor Woolfson’s key note speech is available here.
Here is Professor Woolfson’s presentation.
Professor Woolfsons key note speech was followed up with a panel discussion with participants representing Polan, Estonia, Latvia och Lithuania. The discussion was moderated by Lisa Pelling, program manager migration, at Global Utmaning.
You can watch the panel discussion here.
Click here to see photos from the seminar.
The project ”migration as a Part of a Policy for Increased Competitiveness” is supported by the Swedish Institute, the next expert seminar in the project will be in Tallinn in February 2013.