11 år sedan
Book release: Immigration in times of emigration
In the Baltic Sea region, immigration still constitutes a largely unused resource for development and strengthened competitiveness.
Without immigration, populations across all the Baltic Sea states shrink. What happens when demographic pressures push countries of previously and persistently high emigration to rethink their immigration policies? The report Immigration in times of emigration explores the challenges and opportunities of migration, mobility and integration in the Baltic Sea region.
The report captures a selection of some of the most thought-provoking expert contributions to the project “Migration as part of a policy for increased competitiveness” – a collaboration of think tanks and research institutes working with issues of migration and integration in the Baltic Sea region. In eleven chapters that reflect the wealth and range of knowledge that has been shared and discussed in the course of this project, the report covers themes such as multiculturalism, the dangers of austerity politics, and the Europeanisation of migration policy. It also gives an accessible overview of recent developments in migration and integration policy in the Baltic States, Sweden and Poland.
Contributions from:
Kristina Kallas – researcher and member of the board, Institute of Baltic Sea Studies, Estonia.
Iveta Kazoka – researcher, Centre for public policy PROVIDUS, Latvia.
Lisa Pelling – Chief analyst Arena Idé, previously programme manager Migration & integration at Global Challenge.
Charles Woolfson – Professor of Labour Studies, REMESO, Linköping University.
Vija Plataciute – PhD candidate, political science, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.
Maciej Duszczyk – Professor of Social Policy, Deputy Director at the Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw.
Tadas Leoncikas – research manager Eurofound.
Kinga Wysienska – expert, Institute of Public Affairs, Poland.
Aune Valk – Estonian national project manager for OECD’s Programme for the Assessment of Adult Competencies.
Anna Platonova – expert, International Organization for Migration (IOM).
The report is edited by Veronica Nordlund and Anna Horgby, with a preamble by Jan Niessen, Migration Policy Group and a foreword by Jytte Guteland, Global Challenge.
The project was run by Global Challenge in collaboration with demosEuropa and Institute of Soical Policy at Warsaw University in Poland, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Latvian Red Cross in Latvia, Lithuanian Social Research Centre in Lithuania and Estonian Human Rights Centre and Institute of Baltic Studies in Estonia. The project was funded by the Swedish Institute.