7 år sedan
If we plan a city for girls – it will work for everyone. That’s the idea behind the think tank’s new project for the program Sustainable Cities – #UrbanGirlsMovement. The initiative is primarily a collaboration platform for actors who engage in girls’ living conditions and young women’s needs in urban development. The project will map initiatives, highlight good examples, and reveal research in feminist urban development, in order to promote that the design of cities needs to be inclusive and sustainable for all.
Globally, more and more people live in cities, in 2050 an estimation of 70 percent of the world’s population will live in urban areas. But many cities are not designed for girls and young women, who are particularly affected by the uneven distribution of resources, oppression and social exclusion. Prioritizing girls and young women in urban development is therefore crucial for cities to be inclusive and sustainable, and thus to achieve the global objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
The platform #UrbanGirlsMovement seeks to identify initiatives, projects, good examples and lessons learned that show how urban development based on the needs of young girls in urban low-income areas improve living conditions and livelihoods for all.
“If we plan a city for girls, it will work for everyone”
– If the UN goals of the 2030 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda is achieved, will largely depend on whether communities are inclusive and equal, and meet the socioeconomic needs of future generations. Says Elin Andersdotter Fabre, project manager for sustainable cities of the think tank, which initiated the project together with Rosanna Färnman, project manager for health and development.
– How a city is planned is crucial for human health and quality of life, thus cities can increase women’s and young girls’ opportunities for education, work, and social security in particular, says Rosanna Färnman.
The spring 2017, the think tank launched #UrbanGirlsMovement, in cooperation with several partners including Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), KTH – safe places, White Architects, MethodKit, SafeCity, Raul Wallenberginstitutet, Plan Sweden, Freja Forum , WaterAid, and Biennale Spazio Publico.
In May an interactive workshop on feminist urban planning, will be presented in Rome, during the Public Space Biennialen. Also, during the first week of April, the think tank will host Safe City’s Indian twitter account @pinthecreep, who has over 150,000 followers, to spread knowledge about the benefits of an inclusive and feminist urban development, especially in relation to women’s and girls’ safety and security in public places.