6 år sedan
The collaboration in the network and between the network and Global Utmaning is expected to result in, for example, published articles by constellations involved in the network. A conference led by Global Challenge and the girls who participated in #UrbanGirlsMovement will take place on October 31, 2019 in conjunction with the round-up of #UrbanGirlsMovement Botkyrka and efforts to scale up the results. Here, the members of the network have an important role in contributing with new or relevant research in related areas to translate academic knowledge into practical methods. The conference targets researchers, practitioners, decision makers and an interested public. Save the date!
Follow-up research is carried out on the project by two master students from the department of Human Geography at Stockholm University. The follow-up research will result in two Master’s theses- one will focus on the participatory process of the project, and one will focus on the urban form. The research network is intended to support the students in their research work.
Do you want to know more? Contact us!
Coordinator, Emelie Anneroth: emelie@anneroth.se
Coordinator, Caroline Wrangsten: cwrangsten@gmail.com