Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

6 år sedan

The #UrbanGirlsMovement Research Network

Global Utmaning has initiated a research network that follows the process and outcome of #UrbanGirlsMovement. The main purpose of the research network is to gather ongoing research in related areas to feminist urban development and participatory processes in urban development, create synergies between research projects and to make research results available to meet the needs…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

New report from ABBBA: Cheap oil: The threefold effect on Africa – and how to mitigate it

The current low oil price and its’ political and economic consequences are subjects of intense debate. But what implications do the low oil prices have on the transition to a low-carbon world? This was the theme of a seminar organized by the think tank Fores last week. Global Challenge’s project ABBBA (African Biofuel & Bioenergy…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

"Some are afraid that the immigrants will change society. Many people also blame the immigrants for taking jobs away from Greeks"

Seeing Other Countries Interview: Anastasis The economic crisis that struck the world and the EU is still very much prevalent in Greece. With an unemployment rate at 26.4 per cent (as of September 2014), Greece has the highest unemployment rate within the EU. The unemployment rate among young people is even higher at a whopping…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

Investments in renewable energy have positive impacts beyond environmental benefits

Global Challenge’s project ABBBA – African Biofuel & Bioenergy Business Assessment – recently organized a study trip to Addax Bioenergy in Sierra Leone with Swedish and African stakeholders. Last Monday ABBBA arranged a breakfast seminar at Swedfund where experiences from the field trip and the project in general were discussed. Addax Bioenergy has established a…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

"Nationalism bears no solutions for the future" – Kristina Persson on why more regional cooperation in the energy field can only be beneficial

The Nordic countries already have a long history of cross-border cooperation in the electricity market sector and source a large part of their power supply from renewable energy. How to continue this path and achieve further decarbonisation? In spite of the German Bundestag hearing on the new draft Renewables law helt the same afternoon, around…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

Leadership for Sustainable Cities – Executive Summary

Several cities in different parts of the world are today frontrunners in addressing social, economic and environmental challenges facing the world. In the current absence of a coherent and consistent global leadership in the fight for combating climate change, cities are frequently taking the lead in moving forward and pushing for sustainable development. Global Challenge’s report on “Leadership for Sustainable Cities” provides an overview…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

Biofuels: an opportunity for Africa – big interest for ABBBA's seminar which focused on South’s views

Biofuels are often discussed in terms of whether it is right or wrong to use. Rather than to talk about being for or against biofuels, this ABBBA seminar focused on biofuels from a perspective of the global south. ABBBA is a three-year Sida financed project, aimed to increase funding in biofuels, mainly in African countries….

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

New report from ABBBA – Biofuels: What if the Global South set the rules? – African farmers’ and producers' views on sustainability requirements

How can the transition from fossil to renewable fuels be carried out in the best way? What would the EU sustainability requirements look like if designed by those directly concerned in Africa, rather than through decision-making in Brussels? These are the main topics in the new report from Global Challenge’s project ABBBA – African Biofuel…