Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

11 år sedan

Labour migration in the Baltic Sea Countries – trends and prospects

In the light of technological developments, the EU integration processes and the globalization of the labour market, international migration in the Baltic Sea region is today more diverse, more rapidly changing and more challenging than ever before. The expert seminar Labour migration in the Baltic Sea countries: trends and prospects took a closer look at…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

Immigration policy in a time of emigration – expert seminar in Tallinn

Without immigration, populations across all the Baltic Sea states shrink. We have to start viewing migration as the resource for welfare improvement that it has the potential to be. This was one of the conclusions when Global Challenge’s network of think tanks and research institutes working with migration and integration policy gathered in Tallinn, Estonia…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

”When China emits gases, the whole world is affected” – seminar about Chinas role on climate and energy

China’s economic growth is an important engine for the global economy. As the country’s energy usage increases, its global footprint increases. For the Chinese government, it isn’t the climate that stands at the center, but the energy’s sustainability. This was one of the conclusions that came out from the discussion “China emits – What is happening…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

”After the Crisis? Migration, Austerity and New Challenges to Sustainability in the Baltic Sea States”

The financial crisis has confronted the Baltic region with new challenges. The Baltic States have experienced negative economic growth rates, reductions in real wages and high unemployment rates. The countries in the Baltic Sea region are also facing a large common demographic challenge as a result of declining birth rates , ageing populations and increasing…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

New study increases knowledge on Iraq-Sweden migration

When Iraqis migrate to Sweden, social networks are their primary information source. The duration of migrants’ residence permits and the sort of jobs the migrants get have important implications for their integration. These are some conclusions from The New Way In, a Migrant Perspective, based on interviews with 45 Iraqi migrants, carried out by Global…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

”What no candidate was saying about energy and the economy” – Professor Charles Hall comments the American election

The American election is behind us. Much of the debate between Obama and Romney was about jobs and the economy. But both candidates avoided talking about a major underlying problem: the increasing energy costs. A fact that completely changes the conditions for economic growth.  This a according to a statement by Professor Charles AS Hall,…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

"How The Financial Markets Can Be Made To Support The Real Economy" – Seminar in London 27/11

A workshop hosted by Global Utmaning, nef (the new economics foundation), Global Climate Forum, and the Centre for Philosophy of Natural & Social Science The global financial markets are increasingly out of the hands of national regulators; they are unstable and susceptible to shocks. How can the global markets be controlled and incentivised to better…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

Kristina Persson comments Dani Rodrik: "Nationalism is the problem – globalization is the solution."

Globalization does not constitute a threat towards wellfare and climate. Instead nationalism and protectionism are the real dangers to strengthening the political will to find common solutions to our global challenges. This statement was delivered by Kristina Persson, executive president at Global Utmaning (Global Challenge), in a comment to Dani Rodrik’s plea for “a sane…