Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

New report: Swedish Climate Policy – Lessons learned

There is great international interest in Swedish energy and climate policy. Sweden is one of few countries in the world that has succeeded in combining economic growth with reduced greenhouse emissions. How was this possible? Ahead of Rio+20, science journalist Jenny Jewert has, on Global Utmaning’s behalf, written an overview of Swedish climate policy from…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

"A price on the environment does not mean a commodification of the environment"Documentation from the seminar with Pavan Sukhdev

Putting a price on the environment is not about commodifying the Earth and valuing natural resources is not about creating simple cost-benefit models for the entire world. Valuing natural resources is about counteracting the economic invisibility of nature. An invisibility that leads to poor policies and treaties. These were some of the messages from Pavan…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

New study by Global Challenge: Forestry For Development – how sustainable biofuel production can benefit Africa

The increasing demand for bioenergy and biofuels presents an enormous opportunity for Africa, but if it is not harnessed properly then the continent may again face the “resource curse”. This was the conclusion of the report Forestry For Development, presented on May 28th in the seminar Business for Development held by SIDA.

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

Demetrios Papademetriou on future migration: Unnecessary barriers for foreign workers stall economic growth

The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) has led to increased international cooperation on migration issues. The challenge for the Swedish chairmanship 2014 will be to turn the ideas generated by the forum into concrete actions on the ground. This according to Demetrios Papademetriou, President of the Migration Policy Institute, who next week participates…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Stewart Wallis, New Economics Foundation: "Growth must take us where we want"

”Relying on GDP alone would be like driving a car only looking at the speedometer. The speed might be high, but what if the car is going straight down a ditch?” Stewart Wallis; Executive Director  of the New Economic Foundation (nef) who participated with Global Challenge and the Swedish Environment Party seminar “Beyond GDP” on…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Sustainable forest management in West Africa – great potential and great challenges

Global Challenge’s project Forestry for Development, F4D, is now reviewing conditions for sustainable forest management in Sierra Leone and Liberia, two West African states which have recently left bloody civil wars behind them. The countries are now trying to combine rapid growth with far-reaching environmental protection.

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Moving Beyond Demographics – perspectives for a common European migration policy

Europe’s population is ageing. Clearly, increased immigration will have to be a part of the answer to demographic decline. The crucial issue is moving beyond demographics, and into the how, who and when of European migration policy. In this book, a number of prominent European migration experts and scholars reflect upon the choices that Europe…