
Tag: #CO2

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

New report: Swedish Climate Policy – Lessons learned

There is great international interest in Swedish energy and climate policy. Sweden is one of few countries in the world that has succeeded in combining economic growth with reduced greenhouse emissions. How was this possible? Ahead of Rio+20, science journalist Jenny Jewert has, on Global Utmaning’s behalf, written an overview of Swedish climate policy from…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Carbon tax generates interest in Spain

Ecotaxes and green tax shift policies are en vogue. At least in Spain, where the annual Global Conference on Environmental Taxation is held on the 20th-21st October. Ahead of the conference an extensive report on “Green Taxation in Europe” (Fiscalidad verde en Europa) has been released, including a contribution from Global Utmaning discussing the Swedish…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Karl Hallding, SEI, on Germany's no to nuclear power: "Astonishing and disturbing"

“Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power is astonishing – and worrying. It will increase emissions of CO2 and also simultaneously increase the uncertain and more and more uncomfortable dependence on energy supplies from Russia” – says Karl Hallding energy expert at the Stockholm Environment Institute and member of the Global Challenge advisory board on…