
Tag: #Migration

Global Utmaning

11 år sedan

“Migration, Integration, Europeanization” – Final conference 27 June

“We don’t want what we need and we don’t need what we want”. Migration and integration in the Baltic Sea region is a complex issue. This complexity was highlighted during the expert seminar “Migration, Integration, Europeanization – old and new challenges for policies and actors. The case of Baltic States”, which took place in Warsaw…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

”After the Crisis? Migration, Austerity and New Challenges to Sustainability in the Baltic Sea States”

The financial crisis has confronted the Baltic region with new challenges. The Baltic States have experienced negative economic growth rates, reductions in real wages and high unemployment rates. The countries in the Baltic Sea region are also facing a large common demographic challenge as a result of declining birth rates , ageing populations and increasing…

Global Utmaning

12 år sedan

New study increases knowledge on Iraq-Sweden migration

When Iraqis migrate to Sweden, social networks are their primary information source. The duration of migrants’ residence permits and the sort of jobs the migrants get have important implications for their integration. These are some conclusions from The New Way In, a Migrant Perspective, based on interviews with 45 Iraqi migrants, carried out by Global…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

Moving Beyond Demographics – perspectives for a common European migration policy

Europe’s population is ageing. Clearly, increased immigration will have to be a part of the answer to demographic decline. The crucial issue is moving beyond demographics, and into the how, who and when of European migration policy. In this book, a number of prominent European migration experts and scholars reflect upon the choices that Europe…