
Tag: #sustainable cities

Global Utmaning

8 år sedan

Nordic Declaration on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda

The independent Swedish think tank Global Utmaning, in collaboration with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Swedish National Centre for Architecture and Design (Arkdes), hosted the first regional Post-Habitat III conference in December. The conference resulted in a ”Nordic Declaration on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda”, where 400 attendees from…

Global Utmaning

10 år sedan

Leadership for Sustainable Cities – Executive Summary

Several cities in different parts of the world are today frontrunners in addressing social, economic and environmental challenges facing the world. In the current absence of a coherent and consistent global leadership in the fight for combating climate change, cities are frequently taking the lead in moving forward and pushing for sustainable development. Global Challenge’s report on “Leadership for Sustainable Cities” provides an overview…

Global Utmaning

13 år sedan

"Sustainable cities in an urbanized world"Radio interview with Carl-Johan Engström

Global Utmaning (Global Challenge) recently published an anthology on urbanization and sustainability edited by Carl-Johan Engström, a long-time city planner and guest professor at the Royal Institute of Technology. On May 15th Carl-Johan Engström was a visitor at the Think Globally Radio where he explained the principles of sustainable city planning and also related these…